What effectively conceals the signs of a. ageing, b. one too many tequila shots (and last night's old makeup you passed out in as a consequence of t-shotting) c. stealing glances at attractive chaps in passing, and in some cases d. your identity (offering a freedom whilst engaging in activities others find offensive and/or 'not very neighbourly'*)?
Francoise Hardy guessed it**.
Cue the sunglasses.
I myself am filled with the giddies just thinking which I'll use to conceal my face this summer.
After a gruelling selection process I came to the conclusion that these are my absolute top picks.
These Janz and Cooper Florals are probably the grooviest specs I've ever had the pleasureof coming across. Unfortunately they are valued at just slightly out of my price range and so at this stage I will be fantasizing about wearing them, paired with a white cotton dress and frolicking through the streets of Chippendale fields of wildflowers in soft sunlight, purely from concetrating intently upon this image below.
These Dries Van Noten's Linda Farrow round sunglasses are another true winner in my eyes.
I simply cannot wait to look like I'm channeling the lovechild of David Hockney's spectacles and a giraffe.

Not to worry. Also on my wishlist are these incredibles:

Betsy, by Aussie brand Isson, is probably the most amazing pair of Aussie made sunnies at the moment. They reflect my favourite time period and my penchant for two-tone round lenses.
When I buy these I know I'll look just like the twin of Jane Birkin or Brigitte Bardot (it's going to be a piece of cake!)

P.S We're doing our first giveaway next week, so keep your eyes peeled!
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