I am in awe of Anna Madeleine

Currently doing her PhD in mixed media at COFA Anna's art is astoundingly beautiful. She moved out of Canberra to Sydney three months ago and lives in a lovely Glebe terrace already known for throwing parties on the regular.

Most recently Anna was one of 150 artists who contributed to Medium: Vinyl @ Hardware in [Enmore] which celebrated the Vinyl as a canvas and source of inspiration.
So far this year she's also collaborated with emerging Australian fashion designer Amelia Thompson (Grazed Youth Designs) on Make, Believe, an exhibition at the ANCA Gallery in Canberra.

Her art is so unbelieva-balls that she was even been awarded a car in exchange for one of her pieces.

and...she's only twenty-four
The other night I drilled her about her favourite Glebe haunts and Sydney's best artsy offerings.
Anna's getting involved in a number of exciting projects coming up this year, most notably Splendid Arts Lab - the team that come up with all the design and branding of the Splendour in the Grass Festival. Also check into Sydney Artspace later in the year to see what she'll be up to during her residency there.
All images from Anna Madeleine
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